About Us

The Black Canyon Quilt Show, one of the largest quilt shows on Colorado’s Western Slope, is an annual event which is held the third weekend in July. In addition to local guild members displaying their work, the public is invited to exhibit for a nominal entry fee.
The show features a Boutique with handmade needlework items, proceeds from which benefit a different local charity each year. A variety of vendors provide goods not otherwise readily available in our area. Classes and lectures at various times throughout the year bring stimulating new ideas. Black Canyon Quilt Show, Inc. is an IRS 501(c) (3) charitable organization (Tax ID: 27-1536724).
Our address is Black Canyon Quilt Show Inc.
PO Box 2053, Montrose, CO 81402
Our officers are:
Carolyn Ray President bcqsinfo@gmail.com
Ami Krenzel Vice President bcqsvendors@gmail.com
Penny Peterson Treasurer bcqstreasurer@gmail.com
Cyndi Holman Secretary bcqsinfo@gmail.com
Bylaws can be read here.
History of the BCQS
The Black Canyon Quilt Show was started in 1996 by a small group of women from Friendship Quilters of Western Colorado. What has become an annual event was first held in the lobby area only of the Montrose Pavilion. Over the years, the show has grown to fill most of the Pavilion for three days and now hosts a variety of vendors.
The Black Canyon Quilt Show was incorporated in December 2009 and is coordinated by a volunteer board of directors comprised of representatives from Columbine Quilters, Friendship Quilters of Western Colorado and San Juan Quilters. As soon as one quilt show is finished, work begins on the next one!
Quilters in the Montrose area have the common goal of promoting the art of quilting. The purpose of the Black Canyon Quilt Show, Inc. is to promote the art of quilting through an annual quilt show and ongoing educational opportunities.